
For any requests, or technical/commercial information you can:

  • Call us at our toll free number 800 527 644
  • Send us an email at
  • Use our Skype contactIl mio stato
  • For immediate requests, use this form, we will answer you as possible:

Il tuo nome (richiesto)

La tua email (richiesto)

Il tuo n° di telefono

Il tuo messaggio (richiesto)

Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali e dichiaro di aver letto il contenuto dell'Informativa Privacy*

Pick them up yourself

If you have chosen to pick up your prints on your own, instead of having them delivered to you, this is where you have to come (valid only in Rome / Milan / Fano):

Roma: Viale Liegi, 5/A
opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30 -19.00

phone number: (+39) 06 855 22 55
fax number: (+39) 06 85 42 075


Roma: P.le Don Luigi Sturzo, 4/5

opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30 -  – 19.00.

phone number: (+39) 06 59 19 706
fax number: (+39) 06 59 26 832


Milano: Via Carlo Tenca, 15
opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30  – 18.30

tel (+39) 02 55 30 18 74
fax (+39) 06 55 30 24 84

iPlott lets you print online all of your files and projects just right from your PC, no need for printer or plotter. With us you may use digital printers and plotters without even owning one, thus saving up to 70%. Every online print you'll order on iPlott will be shipped at your home or office within 24 hours.

Copyright © iPlott 2009 - 2024. All rights reserved. Un servizio BCS- Borrello Centro Servizi srl , sede legale Viale Liegi 5/a Roma, P.Iva e Cod.Fisc. 04298101009 - capitale sociale euro 45.900,00 i.v. - socio unico - Registro Imprese di Roma iscrizione n.754947